Once again, we're featuring a dude on Hip in the Heights. It's a rare occurrence over here, less because there aren't well dressed gentlemen who cross my path and more because there are very few of whom I can photograph without them being, shall we say, overly complimented. (Perhaps this is an issue best addressed at a different blogging location.) Thankfully, in the safe haven of the remarkable flower shop Mimulo located on Albany Ave. between Eastern Parkway and Union St, under the supervision of the wonderful proprietors, Chanie Frankel and Fradel Levin, where you can purchase original and artistic flower arrangements for your spouse, host, or self, and, in general, escape the CH, I was able to capture the following:
Rafi is wearing an outfit (if anyone knows of a more masculine term, please inform me) that I liked for a few different aspects. The color scheme - gray, beige, black, tied together neatly with a coordinating scarf - is very sophisticated, and is also not black or navy blue. This is very important when judging a bochur's clothing. Has he managed to elude the restrictions upon his choice of clothing enough to be interesting and still be able to walk into 770, head held high? (Or in other words, conservative enough that no one will say anything.)
Then of course, there is the all important, and highly favored, aspect of footwear. These are awesome. AWESOME. Stylized black - ooh, and don't forget pointy - wingtips? Awesome.
yipee! good to have the crown heights fashion blog back.
The bible prohibits men dressing like women. VD"l.
fashion - for women and men - is disproportionately influenced by gay men these days anyway.
TRS - by your definition, then, actually wearing something interesting is dressing like a woman? i guarantee you that this boy did not put half as much thought into getting dressed as i did into analyzing what he got dressed in. that's the way it is with most people i photograph.
i'm just not seeing the feminine aspect in his clothing here.
and i have the sneaky feeling that anon 1 and 2 are different anonymouses(anonymi?). please - identify yourself with unique nomenclature.
anonymous the second - and so?
anon 1 and 2 are the same and they are i. the lines between mens and womens clothing in fashion is blurring because so much of the design is influenced by gay men.
Cheerio, I know many bochurim who focus on their clothes for an inordinate amount if time. When you do that, as this guy appears to have done, then you are violating the spirit of the bible's ordinance, and I'm sure I could find you an authority who would recommend punishment, of you're looking for that.
thanks so much for posting pics again! much appreciated.
Is he Israeli?
The last time I saw shoes that pointy and pants that tight was on Ben Yehuda.
not israeli, in fact, he's as american as can be. but i must argue - there is a difference between tight and fitted when it comes to pants. one of my fashion pet peeves? guys who have never heard of the fitted shirt/suit. major chabad fashion faux pas.
but his shoes are rather pointy ;)
Thanks for that fashion clarification. Whew.
What a great guy he is, regardless of what he wears. I know him well for 20 plus years. He has Yiras Shamayim, learns daily, and Kavana when he davens, since when do we judge people by what they wear?
since we're on a fashion blog. but correction: we don't judge people by what they wear, we just judge what they wear.
Nechama: Have you been in any Jewish community, or not-Jewish community for that matter, ever? We all judge everyone by what they wear. It's not necessarily fair, but amazingly enough, it is often accurate.
judge not lest ye be judged
Real Shliach? do not read shtus on the internet
Anon: Judge not lest ye be judged.
i am sick of these anonymous people judging trs because of his name!
please, check your judgementiveness/lack of humor/appreciation of irony and or sarcasm at the (metaphorical) door from now on?
A hit, a very palpable hit!
it was getting repetitive! if one was very, very bored and actually went through our blogs to find every time someone has said something about being a "real shliach", and got a penny for each time, well, we'd be somewhere near a dollar. eventually.
It's the same thing with Chan'an.
ooh, you just gave me the idea for a post!
Not with my name in it, of course.
if it makes you uncomfortable to be used as an example, then, no, of course not. no one will ever find out your secret identity from me! (from now on, anyway...)
No, use me as an example, just as "TRS", not any other moniker. As you well know, I love attention, and here is no different.
And sure, I don't mind if you tell people who I am, just don't tell them online.
Why do there always have to be Jesus quotes?
BTW, I was in Berkeley tonight.
Because Jesus was born tonight, and he died for our sins. Loser.
What are you doing there?
Is that why you've been so quiet?
i heard. you gonna be around chabad on shabbos?
Not sure. Maybe going to go to SF.
I'm afraid of getting photographed and posted on this site.
Nemo - That fear of yours says quite a bit about your level of fashion sense. I could only dream to end up on such a blog.
What are you implying exactly?
Not only was I threatened with getting posted up on this blog once, I was asked to be a bochurim-photographer.
I can't imagine you being cited positively on a fashion blog.
Alls I'm sayin' is I'd love to be featured on here, but I'm not fashionable enough and I don't live in CH.
Nu, so remedy the situation.
I'm joking.
Of course I'm fashionable.
I am. I wear hats after all.
I also wear a hat every day. Am I fashionable?
Of course. Borsalinos are the height of fashion. At least in my humble opinion. We'll have to wait for the fashion expert around here to weigh in though...
You should see mine...I'll have to get a picture, you'll love it.
Why? Simchas torah?
Or do you have an ad on the back saying "Read TRS"?
What does Simchas Torah have to do with anything?
The reason it's so great is because I'm still wearing my bar mitzvah hat (on the weekdays), and everyone and their mother has begged me to buy a new one. It has holes large enough to stick hands through. And it's quite comfortable. I love it.
Peoples hats seem to get crushed over Simchas Torah. I don't know. Okay I really must see.
You still fit in it? Does it smell? Please take a picture.
Simchas Torah: Only if they get drunk, or are stupid, or both. I mean, I get drunk, but I manage to avoid destroying my good one.
Fit: Yes.
Smell: No, it has good ventilation.
Picture: I'll work on it.
Most thirteen year olds are tiny. Did your head just not grow?
My definition of fitting and the standard one are not necessarily the same. You should see my clothing before my mother gets to it on Sukkos and Pesach.
Ach I love this sort of boy ineptitude. I love it because it has no direct impact on my life.
Or maybe I just get glee from the thought of mothers everywhere hounding young bochurim about their appearances?
No direct impact on your life? What is that supposed to mean?
And yeah, you also have the metro-bochurim who shop all day and look like they belong in an Abercrombie commercial.
In other words it's not something I will have to care about for a very very long time I guess.
Yeah they creep the hell out of me. I would get shivers when I saw the bochurim on ben yehuda with pointy shoes, gelled hair, tight pants... you get the picture. It's just. Creepy.
I'll give it 16 years. Of course, depending on who you marry...
Oh, those are the Israeli ones. If you saw the American style, you would think, "Oh, a normal looking guy." Little do you know he's spent literally two hours a day thinking about the way he dresses.
That's true. I would hate to have to remind my husband to bathe or something. That would probably be quite embarrassing for him.
How hard is it for a boy to get dressed already? Even if they're not wearing the penguin suit. Shirt. Pants. They probably match.
By the time they're getting manacled they're usually house trained.
For me it's easy, because, as you so eloquently put it, I dress like a penguin. But believe you me, even when guys are supposed to be dressing like penguins, in yeshiva, they manage. It sickens me.
That's good to know. I wouldn't have to clean up after someone who is most likely taller than me.
Why? Why the fuss? If I could get away with the penguin suit I would. It's simple. To the point. No thought.
I realized I am asking the wrong person.
What question are you asking the wrong person?
"Why? Why the fuss? If I could get away with the penguin suit I would"
Ah yes, you are correct. I get away with it every day, and I love it.
It's not fair.
That's life. On the other hand, be thankful that you don't have to learn smicha.
It's more useful than chemistry.
See? Penguin suit + Learning smicha = The Glamorous Life Baby
You're saying I should count my blessings?
It's probably only because I'm a messed up BT looking in from the outside, but yes.
That comment screamed "I don't believe a word I just wrote but I did it anyway!"
No it screamed "I can't believe I let myself write that."
You don't actually believe it, do you?
Believe which part? That I'm a messed up BT? That I'm looking in from the outside? Or that you should count your blessings?
If anything I feel like I'm in a sitcom.
You're not messed up. Who said you did Teshuva? Who said you had to do Teshuva? Heck, you're living in a powerful place, how are you on the outside?
Forget the blessings, but elaborate please on this situational comedy of which you speak.
Fine I guess if you insist. Tru dat. Tru dat. Yeah I guess so. I'm on the inside with my information, but am I really on the inside? I don't think so.
The situational comedy is endless. Where do I start?
Is anyone really on the inside? You just have normal paranoia. Everyone has that.
Please, from the beginning.
I wish I could blog this stuff. How about their fights?
I'm saying, if only. If only you could watch it. Hilarious.
I'm not quite getting this. You mean, the people whose house you live in fight, and it's hilarious?
Yes. Comic gold.
So do it. Who reads your blog anyway?
You never know. I did comment on that other blog with my link and I guess this whole family reads that blog...
That was brave of you. On which post did you comment?
Click on the RSS feed for the comments.
They even asked me about getting blog lessons and I said the key was to unite with other fine bloggers and plugged you. Check it out.
Also, they blogrolled you, didja notice?
Good shtuff.
Kids, get a room/instant messenger.
nemo - c'mon, over shabbos? even i'm not that irreligious...
re: borsalinos - interestingly enough, hats of a variety of kinds are becoming more and more popular in the particular subculture of fashion i particularly admire.
LE7 - one day, when my brother is a big time tv producer, i'm hoping he'll make a sitcom about shluchim. maybe you could provide him with some material.
trs - there are some people who are more on the outside than others. i've responded to being something of an outsider by creating my own inside to be an insider of.
yeah, trs and LE7 do seem to get along awfully well... ;)
Anyone who insinuates anything (and there are a lot of you) gets a biff up the hooter.
We all know the only reason TRS and I get along is because I'm secretly a man. I'm an aguch henchman to check up on all of you rabble rousers.
Also I second that biff up the hooter motion.
But I'll let TRS take care of that.
LE7 - YOU ARE AWESOME! even if you are an aguch henchman... ;)
What am I, chopped liver?
You could be whole braised liver if you want.
Also thank you Cheerio. You are quite the fabulous girl yourself.
I have bigger taavos.
Cheerio, you and I have both been officially dubbed as a "Fabulous Girl"! Welcome to the club :)
When are you putting up more pics? When do I and my wonderful fashion sense (I have really cute earrings :) make it up here?
with joy and gratitude to the almighty we take pleasure in inviting you to the wedding of our dear dear children CHEERIO to the exalted tomim TRS
there are sparks in the air and you guys are in love an im loving this!!!
Well, funny you should say that. I've been needing an excuse to go to CH.
If you're coming for this event you're wasting your time...
They didn't give a date anyways.
I didn't read all the comments, but here's what I have to say:
Dressing like a penguin is not fun. I reveled in penguinesquity for many years, and then I switched to colored shirts and pants with just a bit of character. It made life more interesting. Getting dressed in the morning had more excitement than brushing my teeth. Every day I choose how I want to look on that day. Thank G-d, getting dressed isn't a huge ordeal, but I'm glad to have some variety.
The snake was cursed that all the food he eats should taste the same. A little variety is the spice of life.
RE being a BT: There are lots of nice things about being a BT. I think BTs experience Judaism on a whole different level. What for us is mildly interesting is for you hyper-fascinating. What for us is a pain in the butt is for you a chance to cleave to the almighty God. FFBs can't become BTs, and BTs can't become FFBs. We just got to learn to appreciate what we have and not covet what we can't get.
subscribing (trs, I know what you're thinking...)
You d#%£ well know what I'm thinking e.
The excitement (shocker shocker) wears off.
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