I love seeing people who do something unique with a standard look. In this case, it's the jean skirt. Ruthie's skirt is a classic jean skirt - straight, short, cute. A staple of any frum girl's wardrobe. But her shirt is what really makes this outfit stand out. The bohemian style softens the lines of her skirt, and the colorful design adds a bright touch to the outfit.

Ruthie's shoes were great. Classic and simple, they complimented the colors of her shirt perfectly. The lines intersecting the toe and heel made them visually interesting, and that smooth leather just makes me drool.
Also - I love Ruthie's bobbed sheitel. Who needs to pay $2,500 for a long sheitel when they can look awesome in a short one? (Of course, they could still probably buy a used car for the amount they'll pay for it, but it's cheaper than the longer ones!)
A little birdie told me this past week in 770 that many bochurim frequent this blog for the pictures...but now, if you're photographing married women...
I almost bought that shirt.
I really dig this lady's style. Yup.
I really like her shoes, did you ask her where they're from?
I think I may have an issue, according to your fashion article, I'm missing the staple of any frum girl's wardrobe... ;)
Farb - That's only because you went to BY. You also don't have long-drag-on-the-floor-soak-up-the-dirty-water-jean-skirts.
You're also aidel and chassidish to boot.
But I still look cute! I hope... :)
Thanks my sista'!
Of course you look cute. That's not even a question. If it is a question, then it's a silly and frivolous question.
farbrengen - ;). LE7 has said it all.
TRS - really? is this that "chassidish p***" dude? cuz, i mean, cmon....
and also - who even knows this blog exists? other than you, e, nemo.... so unless it's you guys checking out the chicks..
more seriously - no, i didn't ask about her shoes. i should really start doing that, though.
LE7, i am so loved.
Thanks Ashirah, and please do start quoting fashion sources.
Trust me Cheerio, this blog is known by bochurim...
i feel flattered and frightened. How did they find it?
How lovely!
If they want to see a girl so badly they might as well go take a walk on Kingston Ave...
Or get a life...
Cheerio: Some off of me, some by searching. Bochurim have their ways, trust me.
Fab Gal: There aren't any girls walking around at 3:00 AM.
To what was that directed? And are my pics going up on here?
There sure are girls at 3 am, i've seen them...
Wow, that was a quick post and take off.
But the answer is, guys in 1414 aren't walking all the way down there for a little sight-seeing.
it was a multi-directional "oh really?". and no, dude. i need more than just a hat. (unless i promised it would go up here. in which case, i'll link to you. but you might not like what i say!)
guys in 1414 have internet?
Link to me. Sure. Whatever I have to do to get on this site.
And yeah, they manage.
why so desperate to get on this site?
farbrengen - quick thinking ;)
Isn't everyone?
She got lucky.
There's only so much a girl can devulge about herself online...
But the email notification lives on forever...
That i don't mind.
Know where I once lived.
Big Deal.
I just don't need the masses (of bochurim who check this blog) to know where i once lived.
Who gives a hoot?
Who would've thought?
obviously you didn't.
It was a rhetorical question.
I get a personal thrill out of answering rhetorical questions. It's one of those stupid annoying things a person can do that makes the other roll his/her eyes and get that small twitch of annoyance. It's fun.
And this is a good thing?
To be the one annoying others? Of course it's a good thing.
And the soul, that you'll see there inside, is a reflection of yours...I'm not sure what that had to do with anything, but it's a gorgeous song, and it sort-of expressed my disgust with your lack of Ahavas Yisrael/my admiration for your kocking on velt.
thats kinda creepy to think about bochurim coming to this blog for pictures being that their only choices for non- tzinously dressed people are one girl and a toddler. i would also think that if they were that desperate they would resort to a whole differant kind of picture site. but who am i to judge :)
thats kinda creepy to think about bochurim coming to this blog for pictures being that their only choices for non- tzinously dressed people are one girl and a toddler. i would also think that if they were that desperate they would resort to a whole differant kind of picture site. but who am i to judge :)
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