Obviously, fashion sense is inherited. This is Ruthie's daughter, and unfortunately, I can't remember her name. It's something along the lines of Chanie, or Chaya. Whichever quintessentially Lubavitch name it is (of course, it will probably turn out not to be a quintessentially Lubavitch name in any way, cuz that's just the way we roll), this girl is adorable. She has a future here on Hip in the Heights. She has a place in my heart. I mean, polka dots? Polkadotted bow? Handkerchief hem? Perfect pose? This girl is going to be the poster child of Hip in the Heights. (Is it pretentious to keep referring to this blog in third person?).

Cute little brown ballet flats. Lovely!
Finally I can comment on the fashion/people! Yes, she is very cute. All right, maybe not as cute as my nieces... Still, even I, who know nothing of children's fashion, can see it.
My favorite detail is the bagginess of her tights around the ankles.
A classic child fashion move!
Oh dear me. I just realized in fact they're white frummy girl socks!
Actually my absolute favorite. Much cuter than tights... (on anyone under ten that is...)
trs - "finally"? what stopped you before?
LE7 - didnt even think of that, but you are so, so right. that and frilly bobby socks OVER tights ;)
Due to societal pressure/religious belief, I never before commented on the actual clothing or people (except of course when it was that metro you had up earlier...). And don't go searching through the archives for times when I did comment, because who said I was perfect?
ok, i get whats wrong with commenting on the actual physical being, but where's the sin in commenting on the clothes? and don't tell me it's gay or girly.
they say that, when you're on a date, you can't compliment the girl on how she's dressed, even though she put a lot of work and effort into her appearance, because it's pas nisht for a chassidishe bochur to notice a girl's clothing, or at the very least to say anything.
You disagree? Just because it's typical doesn't mean it's not the right thing.
i don't think that not commenting is because you're not supposed to notice. dude, you're supposed to notice. it's why the girl dresses up, and doesn't wear her old school uniform on a date.
Maskim. I'll notice. And not comment.
There's so many games involved with the whole dating process. Logically it makes no sense.
You spend a lot of time getting dressed, doing your hair, make-up, and finding the perfect shoes and bag...
And, you don't even get a compliment for all your efforts.
Then again, in many way marriage isn't logical, so why should I assume that the process should even begin logically.
Yet, then again, he buys you drink generally, so if it doesn't work out, you get a drink and he got to look at a very pretty gir, so it's an even win/lose.
And then, when you do get married, when he finally can comment on how you look, he's seen you so often so frequently that he doesn't. And when you ask how you look, he can't understand why you're asking. You looked good last time, what's the difference this time?
Oh the "illogicalness" of it all...
Anywho, despite my distaste for polka dots, I really like her headband.
She looks like a really cute kid with a lot of personality.
it is weird. cuz giving a compliment is conducive to creating a warm and positive feeling for the person giving said compliment. and aren't you sposed to feel warm and positive about someone you're dating?
i think the appropriate thing would be a compliment on the third or fourth date. the first two, you're still deciding if you like the person (ok, the third and fourth, too). but by the third or fourth date, you have enough familiarity and possibility that a compliment - a tasteful compliment - wouldn't be out of place.
i'm so wise for someone who's never dated. maybe farbrengen could write the marriage column and i could write a dating column.
Not that I know anything, but as far as I know, the bochur is supposed to save these types of compliments for after the marriage. That's right, even when they're engaged they shouldn't make comments of this nature.
why not? we're not talking about anything dirty. just a simple "you look nice", "is that a new dress", or maybe even a (gasp) "i like your hair".
While dating, you don't necessarily want a bochur complimenting your looks... It will just make things complicated. When you start putting physical attention into the relationship, your focus may begin to change.
You want him to compliment YOU. Your thoughts, your opinions, your talents, your sensitivity, your ideals.
And you should compliment him for those same attributes, as well as his achievements, etc.
But of course, everyone should have a mashpia, and their directives are the best advice possible.
yes, you want him complimenting (in other words, appreciating) all those things - and you also want him complimenting your looks.
yes, you want him complimenting (in other words, appreciating) all those things - and you also want him complimenting your looks.
Why? A bochur wouldn't keep dating you if he didnt' think you looked good. Just going out again proves he thinks your good looking...
Why would you want them to compliment you? Boys don't know anything about fashion.
I don't think it's appropriate to say anything. Sorry.
farbrengen - so? you marry the guy, you just assume he thinks you're attractive? verbal validation is very important to a woman.
LE7 - playing the innocent won't work for you here!
trs - who cares about being appropriate? that's a major copout. ask your sister's opinion.
It's true. Why would anyone want a compliment from someone who doesn't know anything about fashion?
I think I am right.
I stand steadfastly behind my point. Next to it, in front of it whatever. Either way his cousin is my nephew. So it works.
I would think that on a date you would certainly want to be appropriate.
LE7 - huh?
trs - my bad, misunderstood context. so its one of those agree to disagree sitches.
but still, ask your sister.
And then what? She'll think I'm going out. No thank you. I discussed it with my mashpia once, and am happy with the answer I got.
you don't want to know what she thinks? and why would she think you're going out? can't you just tell her it came up on the blog? or doesn't she know...
I was trying to get into a ridiculous argument using extended metaphors, but no one bit.
It's complicated
ooh, now i'm intrigued. (i was going to make a facebook reference, then i remembered you're too holy for that).
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
AH good point. (For the holy people out there, a person on facebook along with setting their status to "single", "engaged" or "married," may also set it to "it's complicated.")
so are you going to elaborate further on the complications, or leave us hanging? (ok, me. dude, satisfaction brought it back!)
As I say, it's complicated. Life is complicated. That's all I'm saying in public forums like this one.
Wow, this is scandalous. For you to not say anything? Pretty scandalous it must me. Three short fries coming right up with honey mustard sauce.
LE7 - yet another oddly humorous, yet completely mystifying, reference.
TRS - dang! dont bring it up if you ain't gonna end it! just lie!
What made it mystifying were my typos. Oh well.
LE7: Sure.
Cheerio: Hmm.
nope it was the honey mustard sauce.
TRS: mmhmm.
Who doesn't like honey mustard sauce?
yeah, but with fries?
it's good in salad dressing or on fish. fries need the spicy.
Mix it with some chrayonnaise then.
Oh, food. Food is safe.
(lifts up his bar mitzvah hat, wipes sweat off his brow.)
I'm in CH, so it's classy hat for now.
whoa, classy hat? this is the first we're hearing of the classy hat! maybe you ARE dating...
I'm not. It's just a hat that looks ok.
dude, now we need pics of the "classy" hat. and how am i sposed to recognize you without your bar mitzvah hat?
Look up my picture on onlysimchas.
sister's wedding?
ugh... way too lazy. cmon, make a post with the hat!
Nice tie.
I like it too. I have a thing for hot ties.
I actually don't like ties. I always thought they were superfluous, but this one is shiny.
That's what pink is all about.
Cheerio and I have come to the conclusion that despite a "fancy hat" it is simply unacceptable to be seen wearing blue, not navy, but BLUE polyester slacks.
Forget fashionably clueless, it's just down-right wrong!
Excuse me, those are 100% cotton Lands End pants.
Bunch of Bagels and then Kingston and President?
Even if they're cotton... Blue? What were you thinking?!
But of course, who else could it have been?
What's wrong with blue pants? You know how I shop? I go into Land's End (always Land's End), take ten pairs of pants off the rack, find three that fit, and buy them. Same goes for shirts.
You can thank my terrible visual memory for my hazy recollections.
Blue is just so... Not okay. It's one of those thinks that can't be taught, it needs to be understood.
Your shopping style is fine, but you must focus on color. Blue is just so not acceptable. I'm really serious... :)
What made u realize 'twas us?
You offering your services as a fashion consultant?
I didn't. I mean, I assume it was you two.
No, not to a bochur. I'm just telling you the facts. Blue pants are not okay.
What made us stand out that you assumed as such?
Well, until my wife tells me otherwise, I'll continue to wear them. Bichlal, what do I care? It's just a pair of pants.
Only now when I think back do I realize that the two girls sitting two tables up from the door...
Again, what would make you think it was us?
Honestly, I don't know. What do you want me to say?
There has to be a reason why of all the girls in Crown Heights, we stood out enough for you to recall that we saw you at Bunch O's and down the street. You had no clue how either of us looks, nor any other sign that would have let you know. So I'm wondering how is it possible that we're so obviously ourselves...
You're the only twosome I saw twice today. Besides, there weren't a whole lot of girls out.
Out of curiousity, did you notice who was who? Which of us is cheerio and which of us am i?
In any case, it was a very random morning... especially the blue slacks.
The one facing the door was Cheerio.
I had a great morning.
Good job.
Thank you.
Well, Cheerio, I have to thank you: tzunius doesn't have to look horrific. You inspired this - the US economy thanks you :)
It's interesting how she matches her fashion blog isn't it?
Nameless- Nice shopping!!!
Farbrengen: Thanks! I was unbearably excited about that vest with all the buttons. I literally cannot wait.
(I feel shallower, but you know, I'm just pushing on past that....)
The skirt, is WOW. Enjoy, wear it all in good health and inspiration :)
Personally I feel that when I dress well, and do my hair right, and look basically good, I do good. I feel like I can get through any situation, even if I'm not actually qualified for the job.
Perhaps this connects to the conversation above, about looking good on a date.
When you put so much effort into how you look, it makes you feel more ready to just do what has to get done, or at least I feel that way. You don't have to worry about how you look and if you're doing the wrong thing, because you do look good, so it's out of your mind all the date through... Unless you need to reapply your lipstick, but that's a whole nother story.
Speaking as a guy here...put on whichever clothes your hands find in the closet and get onto something more important.
TRS, coming from mr.blue pants I can't take your fashion advice seriously. Sorry.
Since when was miss chassidish so into clothing?
salmon pink tie, big smile, tamed the beard, wearing a decent suit - you get the hip in the heights seal of approval.
"Why what a lovely personality you have there, and such nice pronunciation!"
ok, now i've caught up on all the comments.
first of all - N/F - glad to have inspired you. you got some great stuff!
re: blue pants. dude. those are bad. i'm tempted to retract the seal of approval based on those pants. and they were too long.
also being chassidish is not a contradiction with dressing well.
why'd you have such a great morning?
and farbrengen - just be careful you don't get that reapplied lipstick on your teeth, and you're good to go.
also - there has to be something that made you identify us. something in our conversation, or appearance, perhaps? i mean, we knew it was you the minute we walked in, right, farbrengen?
That picture is from my sister's wedding three and a half years ago.
I'll deal with the other issues later.
Nemo once emailed me a picture of you, cheerio. At the time I didn't recognize you, but then when I found out that I had been spotted I dredged up my memories and put six and two together. So aside from my horrendous dressing, what did you think about (most of) my immediate family?
And, re: dressing-I still fail to understand the issues involved.
aww, you were young and innocent back then... unlike now when creepy things happen,like nemo a:possessing a picture of me and b: emailing it to you.
your family seemed nice, didn't really get a chance to get to know them exactly. who was everyone?
re: dressing - if you still don't get the issues, i'm going to have to rethink that fashion boot camp idea...
I had two sisters, one brother in law (the other was at work), three nieces, and one father present.
When are you holding it?
i just want to know about that picture that was emailed. where did it come from? why was it sent? ANSWER ME NOW!
I like her dress!! Last week, I got so nice back to school outfits from Lands End... My kids love them!!
btw her name's Musia :)
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