Shmuly is the Mimulo Man. And his personal style certainly suits the place. Suspenders? Suspenders are awesome. Also the slim fit of his clothes. Something that is all too rare in this world of Israeli, French, and other foreign nationalities of bochurim. Slim, but not tight. The color choice is also a good one. Not garish, very natural. Grey and green are great combinations.

Adidas. I am very, very, very fond of Adidas. And check out the subtly striped pants.
A closer look at the suspenders:
Suspenders are nice. They were popular with my school uniform back in the day...
I see the validity in the slim but not tight statement actually.
there is something to people - men, women, and children - wearing clothes that FIT. but especially guys, with all their suits and whatnot.
Yeah indeed I see that.
It's less shlumpy.
I scrolled down too quickly and saw the grandmother’s ring right after the last photo of this dude and though: “Wow”.
Anyway, tag.
The slim fit is ok. But the hat and the shoes, together with the shirt...
I should be banned from making comments on style blogs.
cool site i found you thru chrudge.com
i shud of known earlier
i now have another blog to look at
keep up the good work!
Too bad that he's homosexual.
ouch. metro maybe, but homo?
eli - should have known earlier? i find that an intriguing statement.
and wow. i'm on chrudge. huh.
anonymous - dude!
eli - should have known earlier? i find that an intriguing statement.
and wow. i'm on chrudge. huh.
anonymous - dude!
Maybe he is just a gypsy.
a gypsy?
Yeah. He can’t possibly be an Odessa urchin. So, he must be a gypsy.
Merely an Ohio urchin
why would he be an odessa urchin?
Who wouldn’t be an Odessa urchin — if they could pull it off?
to poser. sorry.
Damn, that niga' look f---ing weird man.. ..looks like a yeshivish lumberjack or somethin'..
i'm pretty sure shmuly isn't gay, or a gypsy.
yeah, me too.
well, definitely not the gay. gypsy? maybe...
Thanks for this great blog!
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Thanks for this great blog!
Increase your brand popularity overnight
again, interesting. I think the guys on this blog freak me out. I'm not sure why.
fashion advice from a man with a black and white picture.
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I still love this outfit.
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