Sunday, April 12, 2009

Yehudis, Sara, and Chaya - Bunch O' Bagels

Let's start with Yehudis:
The tartan skirt was what originally caught my eye. I don't know why, but this vaguely British pattern is not one I see often. Worn with this buttery blue jacket, the plaid is visually arresting, but not jarring. And it fits Yehudis so well.
I also really enjoyed the usage of blue. I have a thing about matching/coordinating different elements in outfits, and Yehudis did just that very well.
A closer look at her braid, and casually knotted cream scarf:
I loved the detail on this jacket - the pocket, shoulder-thingy, tight sleeves.
Her boots were also unusual. They are the ubiquitous slightly worn brown leather, but the lacing at the ankle is something I've never seen. It contributed to the (unintentional, I'm sure) woodsman reference:

Now we move on to Sara. What drew me here was the soft colors and fabrics Sara used. I covet - very, very much so - Sara's beret. It is the perfect beret. Big enough and soft.... and a wonderful color. I wasn't quite able to catch it, but she also had this lovely embroidered detail on her capped sleeves.

Last - but not least! - we have Chaya. Chaya also had a lovely coordinated element to her outfit, and coincidentally, in the same color family. A perfectly faded jean skirt (another item I covet), intriguingly patterned hoodie with that delicious faux-fur color, and lovely, lovely Wellies.

Another thing I loved about Chaya (well, all the sisters, really) was her hair. She had it piled up in a semi-beehive:

Notice the red pen anchoring the whole shebang:

And an aged-to-an-almost-purple leather bag:


Just like a guy said...

There's no freakin way...

le7 said...

There is no freakin' way what?

le7 said...

There is no freakin' way what?

le7 said...

There is no freakin' way what?

Cheerio said...

ok - LE7, we're all curious to know what trs meant when he said "there's no freakin way", but THAT curious? :P

trs - "there's no freakin way" what??????????

Cheerio said...

dang it - subscribing....

le7 said...

Lol woops... I was on a slow connection...

You don't just have your comments automatically sent to yourself?

Just like a guy said...

There's no freakin way I'm commenting on the content of this post!

Cheerio: Yeah, you have to subscribe to your own posts?

Menucha photography said...

nice bag

Cheerio said...

it sends me the comments, but all disjointed-like. if i subscribe, i get the whole conversation.

bonne said...

Nice boots

Anonymous said...

Have you seen this?

Check out the second set of pictures and the accompanying caption.

Just like a guy said...

Anon: That's pretty funny