These are a few shots I took at Union Square, when I first started the blog. In each one, what drew me were the silhouettes and colors these people chose.

The bright colors of her sweatshirt are balanced by this woman's gray pants. She keeps her silhouette clean and crisp. Perfect for running errands on a Sunday afternoon.

This cowgirl might very well be a cowboy in disguise. Your guess is as good as mine. What I liked was the pink theme that is maintained throughout the entire outfit. The contrast between the thigh high stockings and the mini mini skirt is also striking.

This woman is definitely hippie chic. Her red hair provides the color for this one, while her shirt, bag, and skirt provide a calm, soothing background. And I love how the kerchief picks up the gray from the skirt.
Oy! Oy! Mine eyes! Women! Oy! Oy!
BTW, follow Nemo and me and get rid of the word verification.
subscribing, since I forgot, as always
a classic trs comment, on my blog! i am thrilled! in tears! delighted! benighted!
and i'm keeping the verification for now. no succumbing to peer pressure for me!
well, at least not tonight.
oh and one more thing - not scandalized to see the men (gasp, i've taken pictures of men!) on here? where's tp when you need him/her/it?
So, Cheerio, you're intellectually or morally ignorant, overtaken by darkness or night, backward, primitive, crude, or uncultivated, or lacking enlightenment or knowledge of culture? Cheerio, tell me the truth: Are you really benighted?
In other news, no, I'm not shocked by the pictures of men. What's wrong with pictures of men? After all, you can hear me sing, but I can't hear you.
well, three of those definitions could apply, if you look at things in a certain way. so, yes! i am benighted! (but really i just wrote it cuz it rhymed. which is why when i write poetry, i don't usually rhyme.)
and i concede the tznius issue.
here's another stumper - do you think you'd merit to be featured on this blog, like one of our colleagues does?
Which three?
Which one of our colleagues merits this distinct honor?
If you really want to know, I have on of the hottest collections of ties this side of the Mississippi (for those ignoramuses out there, S. Paul is on the East side). I only wear them to weddings, my relative's Bar Mitzvahs, and on MS, but I'm sure they'd merit a couple photos.
morally ignorant (according to some whose alias we won't mention), overtaken by night (although technically it is now morning), and lacking knowledge of culture (because i've read terry pratchett, so i'm enlightened, but i'm also a good chassidish maidel, so of course, my knowledge of culture is lacking!)
as for the colleague, and what i am sure is an excellent collection of ties - check out the comments on the "vendor, union square" post.
Most of us are morally ignorant. Overtaken by night? What exactly does that mean anyway? I'm glad to hear that you're a Chassidishe maidel.
Oh, you were talking about me. Or were you? And I quote:
"here's another stumper - do you think you'd merit to be featured on this blog, like one of our colleagues does?"
What exactly do you mean?
Sorry, my bad. I was spacing out a bit. Vendor, Union Square, New York: Now I understand. Do hot pink and hot orange ties work for you?
the more color the better!
Lefi anias daati, lav davka. One bright thing is enough-any more wouldn't be classy, especially on a Bochur.
cmon, you guys more than make up for it with lack of color elsewhere!
hey, cheerio, its me
first off, creative blog. you definitely have a good eye (or camera at least)
i need help!
can you give me the rules for matching ties and shirts? stripes with dots? plaid and plain? what are the rules? help! and could you make it a separate post so i feel good about myself? :oD
thanks for visiting, wannabe, and thanks for the compliments ;)
as to matching ties with shirts... being as i don't often wear ties, and thus don't have the issue of matching them, i'm not the definitive authority on their sartorial usage. also,i've found that a lot of what works depends on the personal style of the individual dresser.
but check out "the sartorialist" for ideas, he's got some great men's fashion shots on there.
and i'll do my best to collect some shots for you.
oh so this is the blog..interesting, definitly some talent here although i think it shows more in the writing - youve hyped up some quite regular stuff lol. and i would say it depends you cant just throw colours into a mans dress, there are certain areas designed for colour: ties, cufflinks, yarmulkas and socks(for some reason)
(another guy who shouldnt really be here)
I've managed to rationalize most of my behavior, but commenting on fashion-well, as a guy I'm living in shame.
Anyway, tie yes, cufflinks should be subdued for a classy look, Yarmulkas should be your standard Tzvati variety, and as my Mashpia's wife says, "If a guy is wearing anything but black socks, it shows that he's not ready for marriage." For the record, I've been wearing exclusively black since I was a wee lad. And yet...
yeh i think they hav to really be black, no logos or that yellow thing in the front, i think that turns them off. it has to be pure black. anyway the real quistion is if u can wear cufflinks without a tie!?
anon other guy who shouldn't be here: A - this is ONE of the blogS.
B - thank you for the compliment.
2B - part of the point is that it's just regular stuff. unilike haute couture, it's a bit easier to adapt these to one's own personal wardrobe.
C - who says? are you talking chassidish-wise or sartorially (i love that word!)?
trs - get over it! a new day is dawning! if women can learn talmud, men can comment on fashion. and historically, fashion was a man's world until fairly recently anyway.
so... you mentioned some great ties. any ideas for wannabe?
as for the socks - that's just to make sure you don't end up on a date with two different pairs of socks on. trick is to find a girl who thinks that's cool.
anon 2 who is probably also anon1 -
in response to the real question - of course! thats like asking if you can eat the frosting without the cake - frosting = good. cake = good. together = very good, but separate still = good!
in sem, we had a term for that
it was called "wss" (white sock syndrome). it was NOT a good thing to be dubbed a wss-er.
the truth is, i think it only bothers females. most guys dont really understand what's wrong with white socks....
white socks is a felony, but wat i meant was nice other than black or white socks.
to ash - this is THE blog - the other one is way too personal for me to read - not that i didnt read it...
Yarmulkehs- I call them "tzvati" yarmulkehs because everyone knows what that is, and we wouldn't get into a whole pointless discussion. And yes, mine is black with three letters and a quotation mark. For more info on that read my series on Israel.
Regarding yellow, well, if you were a faithful TRS reader you'd know that I wore a Yechi Yarmulkeh when I was in a Snag school in 6th grade. I had no idea what it meant, but it was great fun.
At this point, I know what it means, which is why I don't wear it. However, if great entertainment value could be extracted from its use, then I'd be the first to put one on. There's a reason that I always keep a pin handy...
Cufflinks without a tie? I, along with Yoni C, do it every Shabbos. 'Nuff said.
Cheerio: Who said women can learn Talmud?
Great ties: The last one that I really loved was purchased from a Boro Park shop on Ebay. Otherwise, check out Burlington or Sears for decent quality and looks at a Bochur price.
Socks-Yoni C wears bright orange socks, but only certain individuals can pull that off. For weekdays, stick to black, and on non-Tachanun days you may venture into blue or grey.
TRS -interesting commentary on yarmulkes - ready to do the fashion expose? what are the current trends in lubavitch?(and forgive me, because i did read the series on israel, and i'm blanking on what your three letter/quotation mark yarmulke is. please remind me.)
as for talmud - being as i personally don't learn talmud, i'm not even going to go there, and am resigning myself to finding another argument to persuade you to share your sartorial (i totally love that word) opinon here.
socks --- assuming the individual is not wearing shorts, and displaying said socks, what's the problem with a little experimenting or adventuring with color?
ANON - what do you have against personal? as for your opinon of what you read (which i'm honestly soliciting, being as that blog mainly exists for the purpose of displaying my writing), why don't you share that with me... over there.
Fashion trends in Lubavitch? Seems like a lot of people are gravitating towards the trademark Hecht colorful Yarmulkehs.
My own says "Ches", "Nun", "Quotation Mark (")", and a "Final Nun". If you learned Smicha then you'd get the joke.
Women and Talmud? I only said that because I wanted to be provocative; I suppose I failed.
Listen, you want to wear crazy socks, who am I to stop you?
YES! i am in full support of this trend. very, very much so.
as for being provocative - i grew up in berkeley. i'm pretty much inured to provocative behaviors. heard the same discussion, with the same results, too many times to get excited.
well, at least about some things. you can still get me going on others. like colorful socks. and Moshav Band. and education in Lubavitch. and what it means to be a shliach.
but not about women and talmud.
Funny that you knew what I was talking about when I referenced those Hecht yarmulkehs. Anyway, I don't particularly like them, as I view them as being pretentious. But that's just my opinion.
What we're the results?
You want a fight about guy's colored socks? And Moshav band? Are they your secret sin, your guilty pleasure? Personally, I got bigger and better Taivos. And no, I will not elaborate (well, if you pay I might reconsider).
Education in Lubavitch rocks! How else would a third of our kids grow up frie and the other half not know math?
What does it mean to be a Shliach? Seeing as I'm the real one, I should know the answer to that one. Truth is, I know the answer, but I'm not really willing to live up to it...
well, mimi just got engaged to one! and the pics of her family lchaim thing were awesome... lots of color on the guys. made me very happy ;)
the results? you think this and i think this, and neither of us are changing our minds.
just had someone like this at my sister's this friday night, so i'm all riled up. it's one thing when ppl disagree, but can enter into open discussion - meaning, i'm willing to hear, to truly debate this with you. but then there are the people who think what they think, and despite proclamations, don't really care to hear what you have to say, unless it somehow supports their stance.
as for socks, and Moshav - neither secret, nor guilty. my secret (although obviously now public) pleasure when it comes to men's fashion is pointy shoes.
i think your line about education in lubavitch should be the tag of a campaign of some sort.. now all we need is funding.
as for your last statement - it's unfortunately profound. unfortunate because i spent a good portion of this evening making fun of profound statements.
also unfortunate because it's true of me as well. ouch.
I didn't say that I didn't like the Hechts, I said that I didn't like their fashion. Anyway, I'm not a big fan of Mimi. She once criticized me, I responded (brilliantly, I might add), and no response was forthcoming. If she didn't have the common decency...
Wait, what's the argument about? What are the results? Anyway, I never said that I don't think women shouldn't learn. Actually, that's not true. I did say so. But that was only a joke. If you want my actual opinion you'll have to ask me straight out, when I'm in a serious mood. In case you're wondering, now is not that time.
Why do you think I wouldn't change my mind? You assume too much. Anyway, I don't believe in anything. I only take positions to rile people up. That's why I often lose arguments, because I take unsupportable sides. I just hate to see other people say something with smug satisfaction, knowing that no one's gonna argue. So I burst their bubble and argue.
Men's pointy shoes? You ain't being my fashion consultant anytime soon.
Glad you like my line. I made it up just a few minutes ago.
Profound? I hate profound! Give me a second while I go shoot myself...
Who's profound statements did you make fun of? Sounds like fun...
whoa there! never said you didn't like the hechts! just sharing what i think is great news... i like engaged (and subsequently married) people. they make me happy.
as for the argument - sorry. i'm being general. and refering mainly to arguing with secular liberal folk, such as the type you might encounter in berkeley or nashville.
as for changing your mind - i do believe you would, but i'm also not interested in doing so, being as i came to the awareness a while back what your approach to debate is ;)
as for profound statements - nothing like having the melave malka entertainment be a remarkably accurate imitation of shlomo carlebach. followed by a round of "profound" statements, each prefaced and followed by a resounding drum roll!
cheerio=another terry pratchet fan? oh, be still my heart. i see many punes, or play on words in your posts (haha. did you read that book?)
trs-am i the only one who noticed that yoni c is your fashion god?
Yoni C my fashion god? Are you completely out of your mind woman? Rachmana Litzlan, Lo Aleinu! I said that I'm a big fan of him personally; that does not, however, extend to his style in garments. If you think my orange tie is connected to him in any way, then I'll have you know that I got it for my cousin's Bar Mitzvah a year before I met Yoni.
Having said that, nice to see that you're not so busy anymore...
wait - you're another terry reader??? i have tears of joy in my eyes!! can you help me convince trs to read him?
and trs, i'm sure yoni is not your fasion god. chas veshalom! you're the real shliach! you dont have any other gods other than Hashem!
and wannabe, it is good to see you here. a: i need the company, b: these guys need the free meals, and c: i mean, there's gotta be someone out there for these dudes, but i think we better start looking now ;)
I don't have any G-ds other than Hashem. Yes, I suppose that your statement is correct.
What, I'm not good company? Where's the free meals? Where are these people you're supposed to be finding for me?
you SUPPOSE?!? of course it is correct for I AM YOUR ALMIGHTY...ehem, excuse me, just got a little carried away there.
re: good company - nothing against you fine gentlemen, but i think this little coterie could use a little more estrogen. the testosterone can get a bit stifling.
re:free meals - werent you, nemo, and wannabe negotiating those?
re: someone for you - why, they (or rather, she; sorry, man, dont i can get you a twofer) might be just around the corner of the blogosphere! what do you think, wannabe? how're the prospects for trs looking?
Too much testosterone around here? I'm the only guy right now! And if you think men are stifling, why, you should take a hard look at the Vieber Shul.
Food-Seems like Mrs. Wannabe wimped out on that one.
Someone for me-Honestly, I'm not actually looking at this point. I'll joke around all day, but when push comes to shove, I'm not really that interested in manacling myself forever, at least not yet...
cheerio, happy that i made you cry, i mean, happy that i made you happy :)
i dont think convincing anyone to read terry prachett is a good idea. his books are hysterically funny, as well as twistily funny (hmmmm....that has a nice sound to it, not sure if its a real phrase though), especially his footnotes....but....his jokes can sometimes be a bit inappropriate, if you know what i mean.-a bit of guzzunder humor (did you read the witches series?the guzzunder joke is in there)
anyway, you're definitely invited to my shabbos meal-we can talk more then. i only invite nice people :)
aww, i'm flattered. actually going to be back before long..maybe we could arrange something! email me ;)
love that description "twistily funny" - so apt.
as for the (in)appropriateness of his humor - trs, you've been warned. proceed at your own risk (but do please proceed, its well worth it(i mean, cmon, footnotes??), and no worse than anything monty python's ever done, so...)
oh and wannabe, if you like terry, esp the footnotes, i recommend jasper fforde. awesome footnotes. truly inspiring.
No worse than anything Monty Python's ever done? What makes you think I'm familiar with Monty Python?
cheerio, will do :)
thanks for the recommendation. i've actually taken a little hiatus from reading secular novels for the moment, but if i ever backslide, i'll be sure to check it out.
so you're a monty python fan? you sure have a personality!
Why does being a fan of Monty Python indicate personality? It could simply be the banality of existence which causes one to seek excitement in foreign climes.
I cannot keep up with your new readership/commenting craze, Ashirah. I came on here to advertise my new blog. It has nothing to do with fashion, nor with Ashirah, so I know its a bit of stretch to think your devoted fan base would be interested, but here it is all the same:
Good stuff everyone!!
I just tried to go there-but it doesnt seem to exist :(
Cheerio, sorry to break it to you, but this blog is dreadfully boring. But this string of comments... Now THAT'S what I call interesting! Keep it up folks.
Mrs. Wannabe: Try
Miss Chicken: Boring? Fashion is boring? Horrors! But thanks for the compliment about the comments. I think I may safely say that I'm responsible for at least half the interesting ones here.
looks like cheerio took a vacation
TRS, do YOU find fashion interesting? And btw, it's not that I have no interest in fashion, it is just that I don't like most of the styles depicted here; I guess I have a rather different taste than Cheerio when it comes to clothing. Also, I think that the descriptions are all too positive, and find a way to compliment every article of clothing or accessory the model is wearing, whether or not it is truly a good addition to the outfit. I think that Cheerio shouldn't be too scared to critique the wearer's selections, and point out the articles that are not as flattering and say it like it is!
Miss Chicken: No, I don't find fashion to be particularly interesting. I may enjoy looking like a normal human being, and a classy one at that (well, I like to think so), but fashion in and of itself holds very few attractions for me.
I see, you like fashion, just not the ghetto hip/urban chic which pervades this particular corner of the blogosphere. That's perfectly reasonable, everyone is entitled to their own opinions.
As for the descriptions, here's how I imagine it:
Cheerio- Hello sir (or maam), that's a great outfit you got on today, could I photograph it?
Sir (or maam)- Why would you want to do that?
Cheerio- Well, I've got this fashion blog, and I'd love to feature you on it.
Sir (or maam)- I suppose so...What's the name of your blog?
Cheerio- That would be don't you check it out?
Sir (or maam)- I think I will.
As you surely understand, Miss Chicken, taking pictures of random people and then cursing them out is neither good sense nor nice manners. In general, I get the sense that Cheerio subscribes to the motto "If you have nothing nice to say, don't say it." She doesn't take photos of nor write about people who's outfits she doesn't approve of, which would explain why she doesn't post photos every day, or even every week.
wow, i'm trying to decide if i should be amazed or scared of how accurately trs was able to describe my exchanges with my subjects!
unfortunately, he was wrong in assuming that's why i don't post often. thank G-d, in the areas i hang out in, there are plenty of outfits i admire. i'm just lazy.
miss chicken, i'm just impressed you're still here, and self-admittedly "a long time reader", despite your lack of appreciation for the styles featured. it shows an incredible amount of tolerance, or affection.
wannabe - i'm home again, which is kinda like vacation, but not for long! gonna be in ny week after next. email me!
trs: I was cracking up when I read your description of Cheerio's interactions with these folks, and I understand that this would put her in an uncomfortable situation if she were to post negative comments about their attire. But Cheerio, I thought I read in one of your previous posts' comments that you do not give out your blog address to the people you photograph. Am I wrong in that assumption?
Wow! the description of the blog has now been changed! "ghetto hip/urban chic"?!
Yes, Ashirah, incredible tolerance and affection. And now I shall say no more lest I unintentionally reveal my identity.
sometimes i will, sometimes i won't. depends on how friendly the person is.
one reason why i usually describe these outfits in glowing terms is that, hey, i 'm posting them cuz i like them! i don't usually take pics of people wearing stuff i don't like. although that would make for a fun post...
ooh, now my curiosity is whetted. i shall not be satisfied until i have uncovered your secret!!!
Sometimes I amaze even myself. Who would think that my humble comments would elicit such joy in the hearts of mankind? I refer, of course, to the addition of my description of this blog in the header-who would've thought that I could make so significant a contribution to this important clothing extravaganza?
Now that I've gotten over myself, well, sure, whatever.
I saw socks mentioned above, so I thought I'd leave my input:
Awesome socks- Black socks with a patch of bright green at the heel. That way, people only see the black lest he take off his shoes. I saw it at the promenade last night. (Yeshiva guy too. Imagine that!)
As for cuffs: White button down shirt with a striking red under the cuffs and collar. Cooler than an ice pack in the Russian taiga. Makes for great party wardrobe. Definitely not for frum guys who sport frummy fashion.
rachel - you seem to have an eye for spotting some cool stuff!
Hmm. I have the perfect person to be photographed for this blog. His ties always match his socks.
My favorite socks of his are mint green with small dark green polka dots.
LADY IN PINK LOOKIN LIKE A ZONA...ONE HOTT ZONA!!! haha jkjk im officially addicted to ur blog bla,e it on menuch
i'm going to blame it on my incredible genius...
hey, maybe one day i'll get you out of your dad's massivo shirts and into something blog-worthy.... you up for it?
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