These two guys have very different styles. I could probably have added a couple of exclamation points to that sentence. They have nearly nothing in common, except they are both wearing jackets and hats. Obviously, for very different reasons. But it's kinda nice to see your average Joe (okay, fine, maybe he's not your average Joe, but he's still just some dude off the street. Off the wall too, but being off the wall when it comes to fashion is so much fun!) 's take on the hat and jacket which is so prevalent in my world.
Here's Guy Number One, hereon to be referred to as " Mr. Pink Jacket".

Unfortunately, for Guy Number Two (Or Mr. Brown Suit), I did not have the luxury of actually asking him to pose for me, and therefore, didn't manage to get a shot of the front of his suit. Once again, though, what appealed to me was the color. Yes, among Lubavitch, brown and green actually makes me think "Color! Wow!". I wonder how they got away with it in the seventies and eighties. How come they didn't enforce the penguin look back then? But I digress.