It's late, I'm tired, and wonder of wonders, I have work tomorrow. But I wanted to let everyone know I have a bunch of new posts coming up in the next few days, please G-d. In the meantime, enjoy the above snapshot taken on my block. I always am struck by people wearing outfits unusual for Crown Heights. This guy's snappy straw hat is definitely that. Unfortunately, he was across the street, and I wasn't able to chase him down for a better picture.
Speaking of chasing people down - later that day, I had a traumatic experience. Leaving the subway near Central Park, I spotted a woman wearing Doc Martens and shorts over tights. It's a great look. I followed her out the exit, and up the stairs towards daylight. "Excuse me," I called. She looked over her shoulder and ran, yes, ran away. She ran away from little ol' me! Shocking.
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