Monday, August 18, 2008

Two Gentlemen of Style - Union Square, NYC and Simcha Monica, CA


These two guys have very different styles. I could probably have added a couple of exclamation points to that sentence. They have nearly nothing in common, except they are both wearing jackets and hats. Obviously, for very different reasons. But it's kinda nice to see your average Joe (okay, fine, maybe he's not your average Joe, but he's still just some dude off the street. Off the wall too, but being off the wall when it comes to fashion is so much fun!) 's take on the hat and jacket which is so prevalent in my world.

Here's Guy Number One, hereon to be referred to as " Mr. Pink Jacket".
I owe this shot to my old roommate, who literally chased him down the street for me. What caught our eye was, rather obviously, the color. That's one of the things that I look for in people's outfits, and especially appreciate when seen on men. Mr. Pink Jacket did a wonderful job of framing his aforementioned pink jacket by selecting a variety of sky-blues to complement it. Awesome gray homburg (guys, feel free to correct me if I identified the hat wrong), and shiny pink tie are perfect accessories. Oh, and the flower on his lapel was for his mother. Awwww.

Unfortunately, for Guy Number Two (Or Mr. Brown Suit), I did not have the luxury of actually asking him to pose for me, and therefore, didn't manage to get a shot of the front of his suit. Once again, though, what appealed to me was the color. Yes, among Lubavitch, brown and green actually makes me think "Color! Wow!". I wonder how they got away with it in the seventies and eighties. How come they didn't enforce the penguin look back then? But I digress.
What I really loved is Mr. Brown Suit's shoes. Acid-washed leather brown shoes. With a teeny tiny bit of a point. Awesome. I love leather shoes that have been well-worn. They have so much more character. I wonder what adventures these shoes have been in....


Anonymous said...

See? Now this is the kind of post that is more interesting to read. It is making an interesting analogy between two things that seemingly have little in common, but under the layers, there is a lot that can be compared. It's kind of like irony.

e said...

Perhaps mister brown suit does not want to have his picture posted online. Perhaps you can pixelate his face.

Just like a guy said...

Cheerio, I definitely agree with your assessment of the first gentleman-I would definitely wear that, even if the only time I could get away with it wold be Purim.
As for the Lubavitcher...I used to own a green pair of pants, and my shoes are ancient mocs from Lands End-does this qualify me for a photo shoot?

Rachel said...

Mr. Pink's outfit would have been great sans pink coat. The coat makes him look like a cross advertisement for pepto bismol and the circus.

EndOfWorld said...

I think that I used to have a jacket like Mr. Pink. That's a disturbing thought.

And Mr. Brown and Green appears to be celebrating Tu Bshvat...upside down.

Anonymous said...

And who might that old roomate be?
Come now...I will sue.

Cheerio said...

miss chicken: glad to have pleased you!
e: if you can tell who this guy is from this shot, you must know him or be him! so which is it?
trs, throw in a pair of your crazy socks, and that allegedly cute beard (which btw, where is that link??) and it's a deal!
rachel : cmon, the craziness is part of the appeal!
EOW: somehow, considering that gentleman's probable orientation, it doesn't surprise me.
as for anonymous over there...i'll admit it... you've forced me to it, in order to avoid legal action... IT WAS CHAYALE!

Just like a guy said...

I don't have any crazy socks. Yoni has crazy socks. I have great ties, that's all.
As for my allegedly cute beard:

Cheerio said...

i stand corrected! but now it's gonna have to be crazy socks AND crazy tie. i have very high standards for this blog ;)

Just like a guy said...

A. I don't have crazy ties, I have classy (and hot) ties.
B. If you buy me crazy socks, I will wear them. Otherwise, I'm not spending a penny extra on things that no one sees anyway.

Cheerio said...

what, is your birthday coming up or something? you're soliciting gifts so shamelessly!
and i beg to differ: plenty of people see your socks.

Just like a guy said...

I'm not spending money to replace perfectly good clothing. If there's no need, why bother doing it?

Menucha photography said...

please post ash!!!